Monday, August 10, 2009

Spring/Summer Omnibus Update

(And by August 10th, I mean August 18th)

Oh my, it's August. 4 months have passed since the last update, which is completely inexcusable. Because things have been happening. Interesting things. Important things. To whom, exactly, these things will be found important or interesting remains debatable, but they are things nonetheless, and here is a list of them:

  • Mike and Kelly return to lovely Orcas Island, WA to teach environmental education and be merry for the remainder of the spring
  • We jump right into the beauty of the San Juans with an overnight paddle to Sucia Island with some wonderful friends.
  • Wilderness First Responder certifications are bestowed upon us. We can now splint broken femurs with kayak paddles and build litters out of sticks and jackets. The most important lesson of all, however, is the discovery that fake blood is hard to separate from Gore-Tex.
  • We bravely survive the Orkila Swine Flu Week of Doom, during which children were sent home on quarantined buses, suspect staff members were sequestered to separate houses, the wearing of masks and gloves became commonplace, and swine jokes ran rampant. The week culminated in Immunity Olympics ceremonies, wherein we were reunited with our infected brethren and our spirits were lifted through the running of relay races.
  • We rejoice in the availability of kayaks and go on many-a-paddle. Cascade Lake provides a great place to learn new skills, sans salt and extra-cold water. Mike soon perfects his roll. Kelly needs a bit more practice.
  • While transporting kayaks to said lake, we realize that the car looks damn sexy with boats on the roof.
  • New friendships are formed, old friendships are strengthened, and some friendships are divided over the Pabst v. Rainier debate.
  • With the Spring OEE season over, we head back to Port Townsend to enjoy the summer and save a little money. The Olympic Peninsula sure is hard to beat...
  • On our first day back in town, we head out to Boom Fest, a giant community potluck/party and reunite with just about everyone we know. Hooray for summertime.
  • We head to Leavenworth, WA with Leif and Freya for a few days of rock climbing and sunshine. Kelly actually climbs up a rock for the first time ever, starting with a trad crack route. She also realizes that she needs much more arm and finger strength. And a cute chalk bag.
  • Kelly and Mike both make triumphant returns to the food service industry. Huzzah! Such is the way of summer employment in PT.
  • Summer carries on with a good balance of work and play: a few adventures in the mountains, some climbing here and there, and little-bit-o-kayaking.
  • Kelly heads to the far-away land of Fort Worden State Park for a week to be an instructor for the Port Townsend Marine Science Center's marine biology camp. She gets to hang out with some pretty awesome kids and do lots of class teaching, tide pooling, critter poking, and peanut butter sandwich making. She also turns 25.
  • Meanwhile, Mike heroically hones his mechanic skills when the starter in the car dies. Two days are spent replacing it. Next up: oil change.
  • A heat wave strikes the Pacific Northwest. Air conditioning doesn't exist in PT, and a week is lost in a haze of sweaty lethargy.
  • Kelly starts to write a blog, but it takes her over a week to actually post it. Typical.
  • A hint of monotony begins to set in, but is thwarted by a whirlwind reunion of friends, the Olympic mountains and their hot spring, the Hoh River, Clue, robots, ninjas, and much more. Just what the doctor ordered. A full report to come soon.