Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whoa, It's an Update!

We figured a little update was due after several months of blog silence.  The hiatus was not intentional. It seems like we just moved in and suddenly winter, spring, and summer have flown by!  What have we been doing with all of this time, you ask?  Well, a lot and not a lot.  We’re still here in Bellingham, and as Mike mentioned back in December, it’s a bit of a novelty feeling for us to be staying put in one spot.  The past few months have felt like a bit of a vacation after years of seasonal life.  Not having to pack and move, plan something big, or repeatedly start from scratch leaves lots of time for…whatever!  When living and working seasonally, a year’s worth of experiences tend to get crammed into a small amount of time, and now we’re adjusting to opposite side of that coin, in which days and months flow into each other, uninterrupted.  It’s different and lovely, and that’s how the end of August has managed to arrive in the blink of an eye.  So here’s a little recap of our past (almost) year in the ‘Ham: