Sunday, September 6, 2009

Breaking the block -- The weekend of awesomeness.

I have been having a hard time getting myself to write on this thing since we got back from Ecuador. So I am just gonna go for it, it may be a bit of mental splatter though.

Was it two weekends ago now...three? Well I meant to write about it. About the weekend of complete awesomeness. So it all started with our friend Andy deciding to come visit us on his few days off from Orkila. Then it turned out that Emily was also on Orcas and so hitched a ride. This also inspired Ethan to hitch down the next day as well. Meanwhile James is over in Port Angeles and Danielle on her way to visit him from Seattle. Wizzard hears of all of this and...boom! on a plane and getting picked up by Danielle. This is just a recipe for an amazing weekend on the Peninsula.

We played games and music the first night in our little cottage accompanied by Heather, Kevin and Spencer. The next day I had to work a double (the usual thursday) but James, Andy, Emily and Kelly reverted to their childhood roots as they scared each other all over Fort Wardon...and Andy has plenty of pictoral and video proof of it. That evening was host to an epic Clue: Master Detective battle. We wore masks and all...and if I remember one won.

On Friday we packed it up and headed out to James' tent village on the Elwha river. Once there we were finally all assembled and we loitered about throwing and kicking various items around as we all caught up. After a simple sandwich lunch we set off to the Olympic hot springs. After a short hike and a quick but enthralling game of pooh sticks off a very small bridge, we made it. Most of the pools were either too small, too algaey, or too occupied for all of us. But with a bit of patience the best pool opened up and we swooped in to take it. It was amazing to be with so many incredable people in a natural hot spring in the olympics, drinking whiskey and playing mini games of "let's see who can hit that first" or "see if you can get a rock to sit on that log from over here". Happiness is what I would call it.

That night we had a brat and veggie barbeque and hit the sack early. Because the next morning we got up and headed to the Hoh river basin. The only temperate rainforest in the U.S. (and North America?). James and I donned hard shell kayaks (the one that I recently purchased) and everyone else was in an inflatable kayak, creating a fleet of duckies! James valiently and successfully led us all down a super fun and beautiful section of the river with only two unintended flips! River kayaking is amazing. So much different then Ocean. All you are doing is trying to avoid rocks and trees while keeping your balance in the boat. But it is so much more complicated than that. And it gives you such a rush and a sense of accomplishment...much like rock climbing.

After the paddle we headed back to Port Townsend for a bit of a rest before we headed out to Spencer's Robot vs. Ninja going away party. Spencer is known for throwing good parties and having a great time. I know I always do when I'm around him. He is in NY now doing what he loves and what he needs to do to get the knowledge to do what he wants to do later in life...aren't we all? Anyways, the party was a blast, a crazy shmorgasborg of costumes and beer pong and well, insanity. I think that is the only way to sum that up.

I think I really wanted to write about that weekend because it was so eventful. Other than that I have been working a lot waiting tables and cooking food down at Water St. Also kayaking a bit and climbing a fair amount. Going to bars, playing poker. But nothing quite that eventful. I have about 2 more weeks of it then it is on to eventfulness again! October holds a lot of potential in it. Backpacking, kayaking, coast and a road trip all beckon to Kelly and I...almost there. We will update again when something happens.